Monday, April 10, 2017

Nature’s Version of Crashing A Show

Nature has been getting its way lately with the wicked storms that have been pummeling the area. The news says it's be a series of three massive winter storms that have been taking us to task. That's far more than anyone would really like to admit. With the flooding there have been trees falling all over the place. It seems no one is safe. We know that there's a section for symphonies devoted to the woodwinds, but this brings it to a whole new level:

Jahja Ling will never forget Inauguration Day, and it has nothing to do with President Donald Trump.

It was something akin to the thunderstorm that rolls in during  Act 2 of “The Barber of Seville” or erupts in Beethoven’s Symphony No. 6.

The music director of the San Diego Symphony was at his Bonita home with his wife and their two daughters when our much-touted weather took a nosedive.

First, his backyard patio table and chairs blew into the swimming pool.  Then, as Ling headed upstairs at about 4 p.m., an explosive C-R-A-S-H startled him.

He ran to survey the damage from his bathroom window, but all was dark. The daylight was blocked by tree branches.

A 30-to-40-foot-tall pine tree in his backyard, uprooted by the ill-tempered winds, had toppled onto his roof, lifting up his concrete patio, destroying pool equipment and shattering his fence.

While he guesstimates repairs will cost thousands of dollars, Ling is grateful his roof didn’t collapse. “We feel fortunate. This is nothing like what’s happening in Georgia and Mississippi.”

While the Lings lost a majestic pine tree and another smaller tree, there is one bright side. They gained a long-term supply of firewood.


Was it a sign to work on some more music? Or was it just nature being a jerk? Either way, the fact remains that this house took a serious beating. No doubt that it would have been scary to have your house come under fire from a giant tree. His roof has been damaged and there are likely lots of people in this same situation. The winds haven't been gentle and trees get mighty big. When that happens, it's a recipe for disaster. Having trees on your property is probably starting to look a bit more dangerous than you'd like. There's still a good reason to keep them around, you just need to be a bit careful and try to keep them maintained. However, sometimes things just happen.

Having roof damage is a big job and you need people who know what they're doing to help you repair it. This isn't something where you can slap a tarp on it and hope it holds out the rain. Getting moisture into your house, especially in places where it shouldn't be, can cause more damage than you can shake a stick at. We've got you covered when it comes to roof repair:

Storms are unbridled forces of power that are just out to make a mess of things. It's nothing personal, that's just what they do.

Nature’s Version of Crashing A Show Find more on:


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